Friday, December 30, 2011

Goodbye 2011.

I can't believe that tomorrow is New Years Eve.   What a year this has been.  So I thought that I would give you a recap of all the amazing, crazy things that happened this year.  Wow there has been so many changes.  You know for a girl who hates and actively tries to avoid changes, I think I did really well this year.  Ok, to tell you the truth, I had to put my big girl pants on a couple of times.  But you know what makes it all worth it is this amazing man who stood in front of all of our family and friends and made me his wife.  Sometimes, I still have to pinch myself to believe that I could have possibly gotten this lucky. 

So 2011 started off on a very sad note for me and my family.  We found out that my brother, whom we had moved our wedding up for wasn't going to be able to make it and in fact would  be in Afghanistan for the wedding.  He was of course also in the wedding.    Our wedding Party did look like this. 

However, I am so lucky to have some amazing friends in my life.  One of them kindly stepped in and he was Dan's second groomsman.  So in the end.  This was our wedding Party. 

Then we got busy planning the wedding.  Then after almost 2 years of being unemployed, I was hired doing something that I hated but it was a paycheck and having that made moving in together that much more easier.  However,  that got us through the wedding. 

So on May 21 2011 My husband and I got hitched at Holy Angels.

After our Amazing Wedding and Reception, Dan whisked me away for a honeymoon in  South Carolina.  Filled with a ton of fun and really yummy food. 

Then we fill into the working grove and I was still looking for a job that I would actually like to get up and go to during the day.
Then in August Dan and I went out one weekend and got my wedding Present.  This was an addition to our family in a form of a very cute kitten, we named Fiona. 

And the days slipped by and suddenly it was already Oct.  We were working such a different schedules, I felt like I had a roommate not a husband so my Amazing husband and I booked a trip to Disney World.  His very first time. 
But of course, we forgot our camera so there really isn't that many pictures of us. 

With that I came back and started a new job, which I adore and love going to.  And quickly the months slipped by again and here we are....  December 30.  Tomorrow is new year's eve and we are looking forward to the new year.  I can't wait to see all that is in store for us next year but if it is anything like this year.  I know that I will be very blessed and happy.   

I hope that everyone has a great New Year.  Love ya!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to define Success.

I was driving home today, listening to NPR.  And they are doing a whole series on Winter Songs.  Well, the song and the person who picked the song of the day, told the store behind what made that song important to them.  The story he told was of this man who in the bitter wind and winter was out trying to find work while he the son was watching the father from a school window.  After he told his story, he made a point that the "American Dream" has always been to be better off then your parents.  And I ask you this,  Has that changed for our generation?

  I'm not talking about the bright eyed and bushy tail just recent grads who are convinced that if they get into the "right" company that their lives will be perfect.  I'm talking those of us while still young in age have already seen ourselves, our husbands, or friends getting laid off of work.  To realizing that it didn't matter if you were putting in twice the number of hours then others where.  Or that you put up with a boss that was at best slightly crazy and at worst down right evil with a twist of manipulative thrown in there for good measure.  So do we still define success the way that we as Americans have for generations?

 I'm not so sure about that anymore.  I'm now contracting for a very good company with in the my little corner of the universe but at the end of the day, work isn't what is driving me.  I'm not sure I want to hike up my skirt to climb a ladder to get to a point where the glass ceiling will force me to stop.  Please don't get me wrong.  After being unemployed for almost a full two years and then taking a job that everyday walking in there just felt like another shackle anchoring me to being a very unhappy person and I was happier home with no money.  I love the fact that I honestly love the work that I'm doing,  but I'm just not sure that it defines me the way that I once let it.  I remember feeling pride that I worked for "This Company" and looking at my peers like see, I am smart and do have a future.  After being laid off, that was part of the depression that kicked in.  It is horrible feeling like you are not a worth while member of society even if you didn't chose to opt out of being a member of society.

So I guess in a way, I've answered my own question to everyone.  I do feel like what I can only assume my Grandparents felt after the Great Depression.  Oh you try to better your situation but you do things to make sure your family is safe.  If that is hiding jewelry and money.  Then  you do it.  If that means getting stocks, putting a percent in and letting it grow.  Then that is what you do.  Or like my Nana, teach your self to play the stock market, and make yourself wealth.  But maybe, just maybe, this isn't such a bad thing.  Maybe it is going to teach our generation which was born into the "I'll just put it on a credit card, if I don't have the money for it right now" generation can look back at these last few years and say, "I'll wait til I do have the money for it."  So tell me,  How do you define Success?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Frenemies.... We have all heard of the term....

I have been thinking about this term a lot lately after watching a TV show that had an episode about it.  Frenemies,  people in our lives that to our Face are our friends but behind our backs just love to talk about us.  I think this can come in many forms.  The nasty things that girls will say about other girls to people whom they know or maybe don't even know that well.  Or competing for a person's attention.  Or just to be nasty.  So I have a couple thoughts that go behind all of this.

1. We are raised in a society that believes that you should destroy your opponent at all costs.  Think about sports today...  It seems that you don't just want to beat them but you want to make sure that they all cry on the way home from the game.  And that is when you truly "win".  Perhaps, as women, we too take this mentality when talking about people we dislike.  It isn't enough to just not like them,  but we must destroy them.  We tear them apart.  They are fat. (Like they have never heard that one before, trust me....  that is like the number one thing we say about each other.)  They have bad...  you fill in the blank.   Oh and I love this one.  They sleep around.  Because suddenly, we not only know that they are a bad person. We can see through walls!  Gosh.  What a talent, that must be!

2. We are raised in a society that we believe that everyone wants/needs to hear our opinion and not only that but that we are right all the time.  Now, I know that I can fall into this trap.  Frankly, I love to talk.... (hence, I write on a blog and I think for some odd reason that there are people out there in the world that actually care to read my blog.  This might be true.  It also might not be true.  But to those don't care... well no one is holding a gun on you.  If you don't want to read it... well then don't. its. that. simple.  But to those that do read it and love it,  well I heart you right back!)

3. We need some way to make ourselves feel better so we put others down.  Even those that we actually like and say we care about.  Like for instance, the half joke, the I'm going to say something mean but since I'm "joking" with you then you shouldn't take offense to it.  Because, everyone knows that if I'm "joking" and you don't like it then you are being a sensitive Sally.  And suddenly, that is on you again, not on me.  Now, look I'm all for jokes but calling people names in a joking manner, is still calling people names. 

Now look, I'm not going to make this into one of those girl power moments but I do want you to think about this.  If we can't be nice to another female and show them respect, then how in the world can we expect men to?  I'm just saying that most people learn from example and if the example is that we can destroy people around us then, someone will think it is ok to destroy you as well.  Just try to think the next time you are going to say something that might be mean...  Can I handle it, if someone says the same thing about me.   Maybe by not being that person you will actually get more enjoyment out of your life.

Friday, August 26, 2011

New Addition

We have a new addition to our little family!  Nope, I'm not pregnant....  We got a kitten!  She is so cute and tiny.  A tortie that is 4 months old and weights a whopping 4.4 pounds.   She is a total Daddy's little girl.  He is so cute with her.  Our other cat Finn is not so happy but it will be good for him in the long run. 

Some pictures for you guys. 
  See Daddy's Little Girl! 

 Our little Fiona!  She is so cute. 

The very unhappy Big Brother.  Who is of course my baby still. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Leap of Faith.

Around this time a year ago, my amazing husband asked me to be his wife. Now I happily said yes but I will admit there was more then a little fear in my heart. That past year, we watched as some of my closest friends were being a little more then mistreated by cupid, the love god. And I'm not going to mince the words here. It hurt to see that was happening to them and their lives when love falls apart. I spent a lot of time wondering will we be strong enough to endure all the misery that life has to offer.
Yes, my fiance at the time, was everything that I could have hoped for and dreamed about but did I have enough faith to jump into this complete and total unknown? I was worried because by getting married your not only changing your life but everyone else around you. I worried because frankly that is what I do best. But I was worried about how my parents would feel about having a son in law. And suddenly how my actions and the way that I treated my husband could totally affect his family as well. we all hear about those crazy stories of families vs. families. What if they never like me? could i do it? Have that strength. And I'll tell you, I had that fear right up to the middle of the aisle and then magically, it all fell away. It was as if that spot in my heart, the one that I was so fearful of and worried about, took one look at my fiance standing at the altar. Looking so perfect in his suit and just a little nervous, for that spot in my heart to caught up to all the rest of my heart and be like, of course.... You might not have the strength but that is why God put that man in front of you. That together you will have all the strength you need to weather the storm of life. And make an adventure out of it.
So now, A year later from when he first asked me to be his wife. That leap of faith that I took to say yes to him and realize that with him comes the good and the bad. But that the good he brings into my life far out weights the bad.
It was so worth it.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Wedding Day.

As promised... A more detailed account of the day.

It started very early with a trip to my hair guru. Debra at La de da le Salon in Oakwood is amazing. She is very good at hair and let me tell you, those head messages that she gives when she is washing your hair. You feel as though all your cares are being washed down the drain along with the hair shampoo. my hair was gorgous. It was the perfect look and I felt like a princess for the day. Then it was rush rush to the church.

In the church, I got a little bit of time to breath and get some food in me. It was great just getting to hang with the ladies of the family. Then my amazing photographers arrived after shooting my hubby and friends. Then suddenly it was hurry, hurry time again. make sure that everything looks right and nothing is out of place. Now we were so busy the week leading up to the wedding, I didn't pick out my jewelry til that day. Each piece was special. I had my grandmother Duffy pearls around my neck and my Nana's pearl earrings in my ears. I was blessed to be able to wear my Grandmother Duffy's engagement ring while on my flowers we pinned my Grandfather Dundon's wedding band. Then it was time to take pictures and can we talk about how weird it is to have someone snapping pictures of you all day. But you know that I also secretly loved it. Before, I knew it was time to go down the aisle. About half way down, I got over the Oh my goodness feels and this sense of total calm and sureness settled over me. then our ceremony passed by so quickly and it was up the aisle as a wife. It was such a amazing feeling. After that we jumped into our waiting car and did the whole fake getaway thing. Then it was pictures in the church and more picture in the garden that my husband and I had our engagement pictures done at.

Once that was done we jumped back into the car and off to our reception at NCR Country Club. But that is not before I was able to sneak a little cat nap in the car. The rest of the night was just the party. But one amazing and touching moment is when my brother called from Afghanistan. It was great getting to hear his voice. Then before I knew it the whole day was over. It wasn't just simply wasn't long enough. I just was able to enjoy myself. and of course there was so many people that I wasn't even able to get to talk with. Ugh. Can we do it again??? But from now on the blog will be about being a wife and everything that comes with that. So it is time for the beyond the Altar. But what a special day.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

In a Blink

Everyone told me that the wedding day would be over in a Blink of the Eye. Boy they weren't kidding. Let me fill you in on everything that has been going on. I know it has been a long time since I've written anything.

About two months before the wedding. I landed a job! I know it finally happened. While it is not a dream job but it is with an amazing company and there is lots of growth potential within. So that is the saving grace. Not to mention, I'm happy just to be working again and to be able to say that we are a two income family. That will help a lot.

However, that put the wedding which was already ramping up to the finishing stages more on the back burner then I would have liked for me. But luckily, my mother, her amazing friend, and my sister completely saved the day. I had to let go of alot and for those of you that really know me. You can only imagine how hard that was. It was very hard. Yes, Yes, I am that control freak of a person. So the weeks leading up the the big day passed in a complete blur. I do remember that while I was at work, I couldn't get anything done and while I was home there was never enough time for me to get anything done. Needless to say, It and I was frustrated.

Then on top of that. Two weeks before my fiance and I's wedding, we were traveling up to PA for my cousin's wedding and a deer hit us. We did not hit the deer. The deer decided to turn around while it was in the fast lane and hit us in the slow lane. I can't tell you how upset I was, not only was my car now stuck in nowhereville, Ohio but I was missing my cousin's wedding. Plus two weeks from my own and I was suddenly not dealing with what flowers we should have and the cake but insurance and auto shops because of course I had no idea who or what would be out there to fix my car. let's just say I managed to lose even more weight the two weeks before my wedding. I'm pretty sure, you aren't suppose to do that!

But finally it was the day before our wedding. Everyone was flying into town. My best guy friend even flew in for my wedding. I felt so special that so many people worked so hard to come out for our wedding. Around 75% of our guests where from out of town. On Friday we ran around making sure that everything was done and that we were all ready for the big "show". Then that night we had a birthday party for our parents since they are turn a big number this year and all their friends were in town for the wedding.
Then it was the wedding day. It was the up early, getting hair and makeup done. then to the church we went and from there the day just slipped by. Suddenly, it was already 9:30 and the reception was over and it was time to go to our Honeymoon.

Ok really, more stuff then that happened but I will have to fill that in later. Time to go to work....
Hugs and love!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

We are at 70 days, Folks!

So it is Lent and I have decided to use this time to help me get even more serious about the healthy life style thing I've been doing. So I've given up Eating Out, Soda, and Sweets. Ok this is not going to be easy but I think that given the fact we only have 70 days left til the wedding. And believe it or not, I have decided to start training for a 5 k. I know... I can't believe it either. But I really want to try for one. Plus, I know that to do that I should really try to eat more healthy food. It just stinks because I don't know if you have ever noticed but nachos taste way better then say a low fat salad. I mean it just doesn't even come close in the taste department. So sad. But I figure that if I just increase the healthy stuff then I can still have the yummy stuff on occasion. But I think that for the next 40 days of not eating out it will be a great way to break that habit. It is time to get healthy. Plus I can't to see more of a change at my next weight in.

Ok well I will be going now because, I'm going to go and walk gene (the deployment dog). See it is already starting! lol

So what are you giving up for Lent?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ah Sweet Music to my ears.

So I have to start off by telling you all that if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm marrying a saint. I think it would be a bit of an understatement to say that lately, I haven't been the easiest person to be around. I've been well, a complete Debbie downer. I have been looking for work for almost two years. And lately, I will get an interview then never hear back from them. It is like that dreaded first date, where you thought it went really well. But the guy wasn't "ready to commit" which all us ladies really do know what they are saying when they tell you that one. "I'm just not that in to you." That is how my job search has gone. To sum it all in a nut phrase. Plus, there was this little thing called a case of cold feet. For some reason, I feel like this is the dirty secret of weddings. Or maybe it is all the couples that have been busting up all around us. Thank goodness, I had someone who turned to me and gave me a name for what I was feeling. Cold Feet. You see, I have been a bit hateful. And I am officially marrying a saint. Thank goodness, I met an amazing man who has the patience to put up with me while I'm stressing about the big changes that is happening in my life. He is just so good to me.

As far as the wedding planning. We have so much done that when the 3 month mark came to our wedding date. I can proudly say I didn't freak out. In fact, I'm excited... Just 3 more months and I get to be the wife of that wonderful man that I mentioned in the above paragraph. Even the Maid of Honours' dresses are in. So now we just have the music and ceremony to plan out which we are doing, the first weekend in March. Which my fiance and I have done a lot of ground work on the ceremony itself. I have just a few more things to iron out. Such as the favors. And the music to party down to at the reception. But I think we have decided what we are going to do for the favors, I just have to investigate the cost. But I truly feel that we have gotten to the fun part. I mean who doesn't like calling up the florist and saying... Is there anyway that I can come in for ideas and suggestions that you might have for the tables at the reception. Or pouring over music that has inspired many different generations to frame their wedding ceremonies. This part is beyond fun. This is where we get to see my vision of the theme come into play and make it happen. It is just so exciting. Then Yay!!! We will be ready for the wedding!!!! Wow, when did the time go? I can't wait to finish all those checks on my list from The Knot. It is going to be the best feeling. Well, second best feeling... I am thinking the best feeling will be those words at the end of the wedding ceremony. Introducing us to our guests as Husband and Wife. Humm.. I would say that is the most perfect way to end this post with that thought.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Up Swing

There has been an Up Swing in our planning of the wedding. We are finally in the fun stuff. I'm feeling that this whole thing will be OK. It has been a tough road because I have found that planning this wedding as put me in a very vulnerable spot. I never expected that. I find that I have been overly worried about what others are thinking about my wedding. Or my ideas. It doesn't help that there is only so many themes you can do in a wedding. But it seems like the garden theme which is something that I am loosely using is a big one. Or being told that I'm not allowed to do something because someone else is doing it. That is hard. I hate feeling like I'm not allowed to do something because someone else is doing it. Ugh. So I have come to a realization. And you know what I have realized, and trust me when I say that this has been a struggle and I will probably continue to struggle with this til May 23rd. I'm wasting a lot of energy worrying about all of this. OK, well I'm still going to worry but I'm going to work on the overwhelming urge to double and triple worry about it and not doing it to avoid hurting people. It is my wedding too. I am getting married as well. While I don't want to step on toes. I want to have memories as well. I want an day where everyone has a ton of fun. I can only do so much to make that wish happen. It will be alright.
But I think we are on the up swing of things. Saturday, I picked out our linens for the reception. That was a ton of fun. There is nothing like getting to play with some linens where we can see which way we wanted to go with the idea for the wedding. Then the fiance and I had a great meeting with Fr. Dan who will be marring us. It was really really good. then followed by us just hanging out. Just the two of us. It was perfect. I loved it. Then last night, Mom and I went back to Everything on Paper with Beth to continue the search for the perfect invitation. We found one!!! I now have invitations for the wedding. And Mom likes the invitation as well. I was starting to worry that we weren't going to find one. But we did and it looks perfect and totally fits with everything I wanted. I'm so excited. I'm beyond excited that I feel like the stress of everything not really coming together is finally coming together. Now it is just the fun stuff. But there is a poll question for my readers. Favors.... Is this a must to a wedding that you attend. Or should we donate the money in the name of our guests? Please let me know what you think. I am interested in what others have to say.
That is it for now. I hope everyone is enjoying this spring like weather.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Invite...

I can't find an Invitation that I like. I have the image in my head about what I want. Something vintage, yet romantic and with a touch of me-ness. And ooh yes, not to blow the budget on it as well. I just want something smart, fun, and classy all at the same time that will read... You should see how much thought is going into me (the invitation). Thus you should come to the wedding. I know that I might be over stretching the importance of the invitation to the wedding for some people. But seriously everything that I have read tells me that you must have the "right" invitation because it sets the "tone" of your event. Ahhh.. the tone.... that is a big job for a just one invitation. So nothing is quite perfect enough. I haven't seen anything that tells people that I want them to feel like they are stepping back in time with my fiance and I where love isn't just something that happens in fairy tales. Where love it something that is solid and worked on. Where that love not only survives the modern day interpretation of "I get what I want right now, who cares what it/or who it hurts" but something that you realize that no matter what this is the person who you want in the rocker next to you while your grand babies play on the floor. So yeah, that is a lot to put into an invitation but I am just trying to set the tone of the event. Or maybe the better to say is the tone of our commitment. Such a tough task for just an invitation. Luckily we did find someone who does invitations that we really like. And by we, I do mean myself and my amazingly patient even when I'm driving her crazy wedding coordinator. Aka: Mom. Everything on Paper is just wonderful. So it is back to her again, perhaps starting from scratch but still with a clearer picture of what I want. So the search is on! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nesting without Pregancy... Is this normal?

As I'm sitting here writing to you.... I am also nursing a huge fat bottom lip. Why you ask? Well, on Sunday I cooked for my mother in law and one of my fiance's sisters. But still you ask why this would resulted in a fat lip. Because I got so nervous that I broke out in cold blisters. Now some other people get hives when placed in a nerve racking situation. But me... I have this huge cluster of blisters on my lip which does nothing with helping me feel cute and ready for Valentine's Day. Now, the food went well. And so far no one has said anything about me poisoning them. This is a good thing, for some reason, I have the feeling that my fiance would not be happy if I manage to poison them. I wanted to prove that I could pull off that type of meal and as old fashioned as this sounds, keep my fiance well feed. Which in the old fashion sense, must mean that I will be able to keep him happy as well. I know it doesn't make sense. But somewhere in the back of my mind, I still connect with that thought with being a good wife. And this is with taking multiple classes in Women Studies in college. Almost to the point where I could minor in Women's Studies and yet here I am thinking... I must be a good cook and house keeper to be a good wife. Where does that thought come from? My mother never put that thought into my head. Not once, she raised us all to be strong, opinionated women. So really where does this come from? Is it the same old thing about society that warped our minds from the earliest beginnings? Along this line of being a good wife besides making amazing meals but also comes in keeping the house. I have heard of nesting when one is pregnant. But I've never heard of nesting when one is getting married. But it is the only way that I can describe the way or the mood per say I'm in. Everything must be cleaned and the apartment needs to be pulled together. I have all these really good creative ideas. I can't wait to go to estate sales and look for stuff for the apartment or go to the Deconstruction Depot, just to poke around. Not to mention, I'm reading a friend's home improvement blog obsessively to steal a little of her creative ideas. Which you can peruse at your leisure, those of you that do own your own home, read it! Any who... everything of mine needs to be cleared out and pulled together to see what I should be moving to my fiance's and what should be tossed out. You will be surprised at the amount of bath stuff I have. But I think a good rule of thumb is if I haven't used it in a year. Then I'm not going to use it. So then they need to go. See what I mean? Usually I am the worse kind of hoarder, which has led to me missing some very important stuff in the black hole of the spare room in the basement. But not right now, it is all about it is time to clear it all out. get rid of it all!!! Before I scare my fiance with the amount of stuff that I need to look amazing. Time to par it all down. (For now anyway ;) )

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ahh the Good Stuff

See as promised, I am going to fill you in on the good stuff as well. I just need to vent a little with everything that was going on.

1. Really good thing.

We are in our 3 week of Boot Camp. I can't believe it. It seems to be going much faster this time around. Maybe that is because we are getting so much closer to the wedding so I feel more of the urgency to get working on the belly down in size or two. But I think it is going well. I have started to run. yup you read that one right. I have start to run. I still get sore but nothing that some ibuprofen can't fix. Besides, I think the fact that I still get sore is good. It means my muscles aren't just resting and not getting a workout. I am almost sad that we have a week of rest coming up. I don't really want it. I will have to be very good at working out on my own. I am actually hoping to get my fiance involved. Just one more thing that we can do together. :) I really like it when we have things that we can do together. But I think that I would like to keep going with this whole fitness thing. I have one very hot fiance. I think that he deserves to get a hot wife out of marring me. lol. But we have big plans on taking a big vacation around May or June of 2012. And I would like to be able to keep up with and do everything he would like to do! So I would like to keep this slow and steady weight loss up. I like the feeling of losing the weight.

The second great thing that happened was that the Fiance and I went on date night. It was fantastic. I had a wonderful time. He took me to see The Kings Speech. Which was amazing. It is worth all the money to go see it. If you can. If not you have to rent it when it comes out! It is an must own for me. Then we went out to dinner at the fiance's most favorite place to eat. But seriously it was just amazing. The whole night was everything I was hoping for in a date night. He went above and beyond, taking me to a movie that was just delightful and then out to dinner. It doesn't take much to make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. But that is exactly what that Date Night did for me. Now, it is my turn and I think I know exactly what I want to do with him.

Another really great thing that happened since the last time I wrote. I had my first Bridal shower! It was given by my sister who is the MOH. It was wonderful. I had so much fun. And let me tell you, my relatives are a bunch of very fun people. And so creative! take a look at this! My cousin did this. And just in case you were wondering. That is my wedding colors. How amazingly cute is this. I loved all my gifts. My family really went above and beyond. Not to mention 2 cookbooks, and I just love cookbooks. But I was told I can't touch them til after the wedding. So excited to cook out of them. Ugh. Is it May yet! Just kidding... Way to much stuff to get done. But that is a totally different post!

Signing off for now! Hugs and Love everyone!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Seriously.... Seriously..... SERIOUSLY!

Dear Readers,
I have to say that lately, I haven't really written not because there wasn't things to share and really good things. But because the words weren't lining up correctly in my head. I have started about 3 new posts and each one falls short of everything that has been going on. Sometimes this journey to the Altar is a ton of fun. And I love it. And other times, I wish it was just over already. All this planning and spending money on wedding stuff or the big conversations that I have to have with my wonderful fiance. Then comes a big problem. That has me frustrated to no end.
My gorgeous ring. The one that he and I worked so hard to lovingly pick out has turned colors. And before you think that it is because it is silver. Oh no, He didn't buy me a silver engagement ring. It is white gold. I'm standing in the store with my mom yesterday, trying to just get this figured out. To which they tell me this is perfectly normal and I will just have to be the person who gets my ring re dip every year, twice a year for the life of the ring. Not that they are going to pay for that. Oooh no that will be for the fiance and I to cover. I'm sorry but after paying what he did for this ring and then have to do up keep on the ring besides just cleaning it. I'm so not having it. My father wears white gold and has never had it re dip. And that ring has been through a lot. But it still looks white.
So what is a girl to do... Not to mention, I feel alone in my outrage about my ring. My fiance isn't all that worked up about it. But I'm a whole host of emotions. I'm mad because we went to what is consider the best in town to go to. I'm sad because most likely the ring that Dan proposed with is not going to be on my finger come Saturday. All of our engagement pictures are going to have a different ring then what I will most likely be wearing. And to top it all off, I'm annoyed that after going through the process to find our perfect ring. We are now going to have to do the same thing. Again. So what should I do. Go look for a different ring? Try to find the same band in gold rather then white gold? Demand our money back and go some place else and turn in all of our rings? Ugh. I just keep thinking that this can't be happening to us. But it is and now we have to figure out what to do next.
As far as bad news, I should probably just put it all out there. Sorry, this is bad news blog day for me. So Dan and I had original planned on getting married in October of 2011. But my brother had a new station to report too so we changed our plans so that way my brother could be at our Wedding. And now we found out that the United States Government has decided to send him to Afghanistan in April. Yup that is right. One month before our wedding. They could give him just one more month. Send him in June. Look, I understand that is the life of the military family. And we are not the only ones in the nation that are struggling with this. But Seriously.... I have never once even thought that I would be getting married and not having my big brother be there. You know, the guy who has watched out for me since we were little. The one that never let anyone but him pick on me. Or the guy that made sure before I left for college, I knew how to get out of a choke hold or could seriously damage someone who was trying to hurt me. The guy who use to terrorize my dates, scowl at my boyfriends for holding my hand in church and has promised or maybe a better word is to threaten, to have a big talk with my fiance before the wedding to make sure he knows there is no going back (not that I haven't done that already). Now, I have an amazing friend who will step in and help with the bridal party stuff. And I love and adore him for being willing to do that. But still it is sad to think that my brother will be missing such a huge moment in my Fiance's and I's life.
See lots of frustrating things going on right now. I promise the next post I will let you all in on the good stuff. I just needed to vent a little on this one. So to end this post with one more thought. God Bless the soldiers and their families. May those who hold office understand the sacrifices they ask of their people. And strive to serve us better.