Saturday, April 28, 2012

Moving on up!

Well, the Simon Family is moving on up, people!   I am so happy to announce to the blog sphere the amazing hubby that I have has a new job!!!!  On May 7th, he will be reporting to London Computer Systems in Cincinnati.  I am so happy, I feel like I am about burst into a million sunbeams.  Not the Twilight weird glitter effect but maybe more Beauty and the Beast from Disney except if I turn into a Man with a really ripped body, my husband might have an issue with that.  Just Saying. 

But I digress.  Now that hubby will be joining me in the 45 minute commute (on the good days) and the 2 hour commute on the bad days, house hunting has been kicked up into high gear for us.   And today we went out for a 5 house, 2 hour tour of Deer Park and I fell in love.  The lay out as close to perfect as I think we are able to get. With a Garage and a driveway that doesn't scare the daylights out of me.  Here is a little picture of the house I want for your viewing pleasure. 

Doesn't that just scream Deirdre and the Hubby must live here!!!   I have already started to fix the house up in my mind.  ooh we are in trouble, but the good kind of trouble.   This is the first house that I am like, "Yes, I can see us in this."  How fun would it be to fix it up and do our thing in this house.

That is it for now.  But I'm seriously beaming here, guys.  I love it.   

Monday, April 16, 2012

What a week....

Last week had been an emotional roller coaster for the Simon Household.  I had Friday off of work for the Easter Holiday, while I enjoyed the day off it was by no means a break.  I got up with the hubby, who had to go into work that day because his phone kept ringing.  Even though, he wasn't on call.  *Sigh*.  It is just unfair, when he is on call we don't even leave the Dayton area and he keeps his phone on him the whole time.  Day or Night.  It doesn't matter if it is 3 in the morning he is picking up that stupid phone.  Ok, end rant on that one. 

We pretty much spend the whole weekend with my family.  My sister came up from Nashville and we had a great weekend.  My sister and I went to see a movie together which was nice to have some sister time.  I cooked the family Dinner on Friday and then on Saturday the hubby and I went over to my parents for Easter Dinner and the two hour mass for Easter Vigil.  And on Sunday we were back to my parents for an amazing brunch.  We spent the rest of the day just the two of us.  We went for a nice walk and saw the Hunger Games. And had a great dinner just the two of us.  So I thought, wow what an amazing weekend, that will set me up for a great week.  Final last words, right?

Then I hit a Wall. Now, let me explain.  It takes a lot for me to bubble over into the land of tears.  But the wall was just that final straw.  And that wall had a  name and the name is Ohio Treasury Department.   Also known as the most inept agency that likes to steal hard working people's money.  I even had an ok day at work and then got a letter stating that they believe that I owe them more than 500 dollars from when I was unemployed from being laid off.  This isn't the first time they have tried to collect this money.  They tried last year and after I faxed in all my proof they told me that I was fine.  Now, they have come back and charged interest.  So I believe understandably, I was upset.  We are right in the middle of trying to find and finance our first house. Plus going on vacation to Ireland just to be hit with a tax bill for more than 500 dollars is not a good thing.  The letter just really got to me.  I don't know if it was simple exhaustion but I couldn't stop.  It was a fountain of tears that just kept coming.  There has been so much this year.   So much has changed and is going to change. 

I rationally understand the more I embrace change the better at adapting to it,  I will be.  However, On Monday is was like everything came crashing down.  I was feeling so overwhelmed, picked-on and sad.   I have been struggling with how much I miss my grandparents lately.  I'm not really sure what has brought this on.  Getting married to my hubby, maybe that is it.  Being sda  But I'm not really sure.  I am tired of always getting letters from Ohio saying that I owe them more money.  It is the 3rd year in a row they have come back for more.  We are hunting for houses down in Cincy and not really finding a house that I can see myself living in.  And of course with how inpatience I am, I for some reason thought that we would find it the first time out. That didn't happen.  And as much as I want this to happen it still really makes me nervous.  Such a grown up step.  I know. I know... I am a grown up now but sometimes it still makes me nervous.   My poor hubby was doing everything he could think of.  But I just couldn't stop crying.   However, it did reinforce one thing for me.  I am so lucky to have the man I do.  He might not understand what was going on or understand me through all the tears but he didn't tell me that I was overacting.  And for that, it showed me that I really can lean on him.  It took me alittle awhile to get back on the happy train of life.  I really was a debbie downer for a couple of days but I think that everyone is aloweed to have a bad day or so.   That goodness that week is over.  Now on to the new one.