Monday, May 7, 2012

Thick Skin

"You need to get thicker skin"  Has anyone ever told you this?  I mean, lets really think about this.  How many time has someone said this to you after saying something nice?   It has never happened with me.  What is the process of getting a Thicker Skin?  What do people really mean when they say this?  Do they mean that you should let insults just roll off your back or you shouldn't feel insulted?  Or in the work situation that you should not work your hardest at making sure you are impressing everyone most of the time.  Is there really a point at making people upset?  Does this mean that I will not be successful in my career because I try to make sure that my customers both globally and inter-department are happy? 

When did we turn into a society if we are rude and mean to each other that just means the other person doesn't have Thick Skin.  Or you are outspoken, thus it is ok to say whatever you want.  Nope, sorry it isn't. 

It is like telling everyone your opinion.  I think I am finally learning that maybe it is just better to keep your thoughts to yourself.  Because by sharing things with others that leaves you open to interpretation.  Which everyone seems to feel like they have the right to say whatever they wish about you or what they perceive to be your reality.  Most of the time it just leaves me wishing that I never brought it up to begin with.  And then once again, I am back at not having Thick enough skin.  Plus so much of this blog is my thoughts and feelings on subject matter because in reality we have so little chances to be heard.  So where does that leave me?  Well... I think I might switch blogs for a little while.  Put this one on the back burner.   With so much going on right now, I think that might be best.  I am not willing to share things right now.  And if I'm not willing to share maybe it is time for a break. 

For heavens sake don't think that this has anything to do with my relationship with my husband.  It doesn't.  Infact, he wants me to keep at it.  To keep writing, isn't he just the sweetest person on earth?Can you believe that hubster and I are coming up on our one year with wedded bliss????  I will say this.  Best Year as of yet.  and I can't wait to see what comes next.   I hope everyone will enjoy the next blog and maybe I will see you all in the future when I am not feeling so exposed. 

Hugs and love.


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Moving on up!

Well, the Simon Family is moving on up, people!   I am so happy to announce to the blog sphere the amazing hubby that I have has a new job!!!!  On May 7th, he will be reporting to London Computer Systems in Cincinnati.  I am so happy, I feel like I am about burst into a million sunbeams.  Not the Twilight weird glitter effect but maybe more Beauty and the Beast from Disney except if I turn into a Man with a really ripped body, my husband might have an issue with that.  Just Saying. 

But I digress.  Now that hubby will be joining me in the 45 minute commute (on the good days) and the 2 hour commute on the bad days, house hunting has been kicked up into high gear for us.   And today we went out for a 5 house, 2 hour tour of Deer Park and I fell in love.  The lay out as close to perfect as I think we are able to get. With a Garage and a driveway that doesn't scare the daylights out of me.  Here is a little picture of the house I want for your viewing pleasure. 

Doesn't that just scream Deirdre and the Hubby must live here!!!   I have already started to fix the house up in my mind.  ooh we are in trouble, but the good kind of trouble.   This is the first house that I am like, "Yes, I can see us in this."  How fun would it be to fix it up and do our thing in this house.

That is it for now.  But I'm seriously beaming here, guys.  I love it.   

Monday, April 16, 2012

What a week....

Last week had been an emotional roller coaster for the Simon Household.  I had Friday off of work for the Easter Holiday, while I enjoyed the day off it was by no means a break.  I got up with the hubby, who had to go into work that day because his phone kept ringing.  Even though, he wasn't on call.  *Sigh*.  It is just unfair, when he is on call we don't even leave the Dayton area and he keeps his phone on him the whole time.  Day or Night.  It doesn't matter if it is 3 in the morning he is picking up that stupid phone.  Ok, end rant on that one. 

We pretty much spend the whole weekend with my family.  My sister came up from Nashville and we had a great weekend.  My sister and I went to see a movie together which was nice to have some sister time.  I cooked the family Dinner on Friday and then on Saturday the hubby and I went over to my parents for Easter Dinner and the two hour mass for Easter Vigil.  And on Sunday we were back to my parents for an amazing brunch.  We spent the rest of the day just the two of us.  We went for a nice walk and saw the Hunger Games. And had a great dinner just the two of us.  So I thought, wow what an amazing weekend, that will set me up for a great week.  Final last words, right?

Then I hit a Wall. Now, let me explain.  It takes a lot for me to bubble over into the land of tears.  But the wall was just that final straw.  And that wall had a  name and the name is Ohio Treasury Department.   Also known as the most inept agency that likes to steal hard working people's money.  I even had an ok day at work and then got a letter stating that they believe that I owe them more than 500 dollars from when I was unemployed from being laid off.  This isn't the first time they have tried to collect this money.  They tried last year and after I faxed in all my proof they told me that I was fine.  Now, they have come back and charged interest.  So I believe understandably, I was upset.  We are right in the middle of trying to find and finance our first house. Plus going on vacation to Ireland just to be hit with a tax bill for more than 500 dollars is not a good thing.  The letter just really got to me.  I don't know if it was simple exhaustion but I couldn't stop.  It was a fountain of tears that just kept coming.  There has been so much this year.   So much has changed and is going to change. 

I rationally understand the more I embrace change the better at adapting to it,  I will be.  However, On Monday is was like everything came crashing down.  I was feeling so overwhelmed, picked-on and sad.   I have been struggling with how much I miss my grandparents lately.  I'm not really sure what has brought this on.  Getting married to my hubby, maybe that is it.  Being sda  But I'm not really sure.  I am tired of always getting letters from Ohio saying that I owe them more money.  It is the 3rd year in a row they have come back for more.  We are hunting for houses down in Cincy and not really finding a house that I can see myself living in.  And of course with how inpatience I am, I for some reason thought that we would find it the first time out. That didn't happen.  And as much as I want this to happen it still really makes me nervous.  Such a grown up step.  I know. I know... I am a grown up now but sometimes it still makes me nervous.   My poor hubby was doing everything he could think of.  But I just couldn't stop crying.   However, it did reinforce one thing for me.  I am so lucky to have the man I do.  He might not understand what was going on or understand me through all the tears but he didn't tell me that I was overacting.  And for that, it showed me that I really can lean on him.  It took me alittle awhile to get back on the happy train of life.  I really was a debbie downer for a couple of days but I think that everyone is aloweed to have a bad day or so.   That goodness that week is over.  Now on to the new one. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thank god tomorrow is Friday!

I don't know about you but I feel like this weekend just can't come fast enough.  Work was crazy... I felt like no matter what I did or said this week was good enough.  No matter how hard I worked on improving I just received rejection for anything and everything.  I know, I know... We don't live in a world that everyone gets A's all the time but I spent two months working on a project when I wasn't crazy busy with my main job for it to be outright rejected by my boss.  As unprofessional as crying at work is.  I won't lie and say I didn't tear up.  I worked every trick in the book not sit at my desk and cry.  

To top that off, Hubby and I got into a big fight.  Well, Let me rephrase.  I fought he just looked at me, not really knowing what to say.  I can't even say it is really his fault and it wasn't like we had some horrible crisis go on.  Trust me, we have had much worst fights.  It was just the perfect storm.  Crappy day at work and Crappy day at home.  I just wanted him to appear more on board.

See, we are supposedly starting to look at houses.  That was our compromise....   We won't move out of state (like I want to do but he would rather not) but we will start to seriously think about buying a house.   However, since making that compromise, I feel like I am dragging him along to do the things that are needed for house hunting and such.  Look, I don't want to push him into a house, he says that he wants to look for a house but his actions are telling me that he doesn't.  And if that is the case, then I don't want to be the driving force here.   I want it to be a joint effort where we both have fun with this.  But it is turning into a stressful mess, so I have decide that from now on I'm not doing anything till he is ready to move on it.  So basically he has to make the first move.  It is like Dating all over again.  I just have to remember to giggle and bat my eyes lashes. But seriously until then, I'm in a holding spot.   Because we are a partnership and I'm not doing this without my partner. So until then my dream is just going to have to wait a bit.  *Sigh,  I'm not good at the whole patience thing.*

What are you guys doing for the weekend? 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Last Night.

Well, yesterday was St. Patrick's Day...  And many of us in the United States believe that it is just a national holiday to get wasted, there is a whole history behind that day but I can understand why many people don't understand it because while I sat in church.  (it is a holy day.)  The priest didn't mention it at all but remember to ask that we follow the dictates of the church in it wisdom in protecting the family life.  *Sigh*... but that is not what I wanted to talk about... Because we all know how I feel on that.  Ok, One side note.  If you are against the right of choice for a women in abortions and you are against birth control.  What options do you leave women.  ok but really I'm done... 

So since it was St. Patrick's Day, we had some of our dearest friends come over.  And it is amazing how 8 very different people can get together and have a blast! (I had a blast... I hope they all did as well. )  I just had an amazing time... it was so much fun getting to talk to everyone.  Everyone is in such different spots in their lives but yet, we all have stuff to talk about.  I wish we could all get together more often but am completely grateful for when I do get to see them.  What a fun night.  Lots of great food and fun drinks.  What fun drinks you ask well, here you go!  Simply amazing.  My dear friend Lauren makes these drinks that frankly I go crazy over...  What's a girl not to love about them.  Ice Cream, Chocolate, and some alcohol..  yum yum!

Lauren's Yumtastic Green Grasshopper.
1 tub of Green Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.
1  bottle of Creme de Mint
1 bottle of Creme de Coco.

It is a really simple to make but frankly in my mind that just makes it that much better.  So she puts 4-5 scoops of Ice cream. 4 shots of cream de Mint and 2 of cream de coco.   This makes about 4 Servings for pure yummyness in a glass.  It is great way to have both dessert and a yummy drink at home.  Feel free to try them for yourself!  But please note... they are not low fat at all! :)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Dangerous Curves....

Quick... Finish this statement.  I am _________________. 

How many of you just used your body to fill in that blank?  I know that I did.  The first thing I though of was something negative to say.  This week, I over heard a conversation by a group of women.  Each of them I believe to be intelligence, beautiful, (skinny) women.  The thing that they were all talking about is their trouble spots.  I have to wonder why do we do this to ourselves and let each other do this?  When was the last time you walked by a bunch of guys and heard one of them say " Ugh, my love handles, nothing that I do will get rid of them."  So I have to wonder what it is about us that makes this type of behavior ok?  How many of you judge other people on their looks. But really no matter  how much you judge other people, aren't you really the hardest on yourself.  Truthfully, I am.  Recently, I fell at work and you know what the first thing that I thought of was...  Not um ouch, I think I sprained my ankle.  No.. it was "great...people just watched the big girl fall."  Fill in sarcastic thought in there....  It doesn't just end there... A week ago or so there was a cake for us at work.  I got up to cut myself a little tiny piece since I am still working on losing the weight and a guy walked by who was looking at the cake.  And I being the friendly type said to him, "There is cake for us" And he gave me a look and said, "Oh, I stay away from that sort of stuff."  Well his lost, right... that is what I thought.  Until not even 10 minutes later, I saw him walk over there and get a piece.  So of course the only thing that changed in that equation was the person standing next to him.  Fill in the negative thought here.  So where do these negative thoughts come from.  It could be from the past things that have been said to me.  As we all know, it is those that we love the most that has the most effect on us.  And I don't know about you but those things that have been said in the past are the hardest to get out of your head. 

 According to several studies, woman who are skinny and pretty have a better chance to earn more.  Just because someone is skinny....  This doesn't have anything to do with her brain.  No but it is easier for society to like her.  Just like the Levi's Campaign for "Dangerous Curves"  Please look at this...

I'm sorry, I mean no disrespect but do you see dangerous curves?  I see lovely women but I don't see much in the way of curves.  At least not what I think of curves....  Could this be the reason way we as women stand around and pick at ourselves?  I don't know... it could be. 

All I know is that maybe this year should be the year that I start forgiving myself and my body.  I'm not saying that I should stop working towards my goal.  But maybe, just maybe before I turn 30, I can give up all those negative thoughts and focus more on the positive. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

She is getting political on you... Watch out!

So I'm sure that many of you know that Roe vs Wayne had it's anniversary this past week and I on the same week, I read one of my friends fabulous blog. It is Tabulous. At  Go on... it is really a good read and very thought provoking.  Now I know you are asking yourselves.  What does one have to do with the other. 

Our Daughters,  now mind you, I don't have children yet.  But that doesn't mean I can't see her.  Hopefully,  her daddy's gorgeous curly dark hair with her Mommy's blue eyes and let's all pray she gets her built from her Daddy as well.  And the things that I want her to know. Such as, That no man has the right to make decisions for her.   That no man has the right to make her feel small and ugly.   That those that have to degrade a woman to try to tell her that she is pretty are not calling her pretty.   That girls can be the most vicious of all but that there are true friends out there if she can find them.   That those who are not in her shoes won't be able to tell her what to do.  That god willing, her daddy and I will be around to watch her and raise her with the morals that we want her to have.  
This bring me to my point.  Roe vs. Wayne, legislation that lets women make up their own minds about having an abortions.  It is something that boggles my mind that in this day of age the basic right of decided what to do with her own organs, is anyone else's business beside her's  and whoever else was involved with making of the child.  That there are groups out there who preach and demand that you follow their view.    Now I am not saying that I am pro-abortion because every child is a blessing.  However, I am pro-choice, because who am I to get into your business.  I don't know your story.  How are we suppose to raise our children to be strong, intelligent, and independent women, when there are those out there who believe that they have a right to tell her how to live  her life.  If you research some of the ways that women in the past have done to get themselves out of "Trouble", it will show you that there must be a way for women to be safe for those that are sure that they don't want to be pregnant.   And the great thing about this, is if that isn't the path for you or your belief system doesn't allow you to think that way then you don't have too.  No one is forcing you.  No one is choosing for you.  So just try for a second to put yourself in the shoes of someone else's life.  And realize that your choice doesn't have to line up with what her choice would be.

Just some food for thought....  I don't see a march to stop Vasectomy Procedures.  The signs can read "Not one more Snip"  or how about "One Snip kills hundreds of unborn children."    If we are going to legislate the right to have or not have children, then lets make sure it is an even playing field.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

operatation smaller suitcase

I am very hesitant to even be putting this out there....  You see, the hubby and I are going on a diet and as you know by simply looking at me, I love my foooood!  And pretty much hate to work out, but here is the thing.  We are going to Ireland in 4 1/2 months and I want to look good.  I will be (hopefully) seeing a lot of old friends and I would like to look good.  Not to mention, we both only get one carry on luggage and one suitcase each for free or the airlines will charge us.  So it will be called Operation Smaller Suitcase since we are going for a week and half I will need lots of clothes.  Not to mention, I will be shopping over there since Ireland runs about 6 months ahead of us in styling wise and I love clothes. 

So here it goes... we are going on the South Beach Diet.  Which is kinda funny because that is how my parents mostly eat.  so luckily I already have a basic knowledge of how to do it.  However, that doesn't mean that it won't be an adjustment.  Goodbye Mexican food til after Ireland.  And it will be a test to our will power. Or really in truth my will power.  However, I do have one weekend before Ireland to look forward to.  Easter weekend, I promised my mom that I will make homemade pizza for her.  So when is Easter coming and how fast can it get here?  I don't want to also be unrealistic, I know that I'm not going to wake up tomorrow at a size 4 just because I am hoping that is the way it will be.  not so much.  But I'm hoping that I can set realizable goal of maybe 2-4 pants sizes down.  that would be very nice. 

You know, I think that will power has a way of either making or breaking what you are setting out to accomplish.  I will be the first to admit that my will power isn't always there.  but I would really love to go back to Ireland healthy and strong and in shape.  I think it is always a great idea to try to better one 's self.  and this is just one of the things that I will be working on, in the next year.  So I am hoping that you all will help keep me on track.  I know that hubby is willing and ready to help me get rid of the unwanted weight that I see.  He says I'm gorgeous at any weight and I tell him that he is contractually obligated to say that.  He just wants me happy.  But if you all have any tips or ways to keep yourself motivated let me hear them! 

Also, any tips on getting the motivation to work out would be greatly appreciated!  well it is off to my nice rounded meal of veggies and meat.  I hope everyone is out there having a healthy day.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Withdraw from Cable!

Starting on January 1st,  my husband and I have decided to cancel our Cable.  Not only will it save us an extra 50 dollars a month, but it only worked half the time at the most.  and I just couldn't understand us paying 50 dollars a month for something that just didn't work. 

But here is the rub.  While my husband is use to not having cable.  However, I can't think of a time in my life that I didn't have it.  There was about a month when I moved to Texas when I didn't but that didn't last very long.  And my brother and sister, tell me that we didn't always have it.  But I don't remember that, nor do I remember not having a color TV.  Which is something that they say was a big to do when we got it.  So life has I know it has changed, and as we know from the past posts, Change isn't really something that I'm that crazy about.  Luckily, the hubby went to Best Buy and not only did he buy a wireless router for me and a cable to hook my computer to the television so I can still watch my shows.   Not all of them my Rizzoli and Isles isn't there.  WAAA!!!!! 

However, dare I say it might be good for the hubby and I not to have cable.  Besides saving the money, it will also give us plenty of time to talk and hang out together.   Which can never be a bad thing.  I happen to really enjoy getting to hang out with the hubby.  I'm also hoping that without my shows to watch,  I will fit more workouts in and getting healthy.  Not to mention more time to blog! 

 well it is time for me to go and fix us dinner!    I hope every one's new year is off to a good start!