"You need to get thicker skin" Has anyone ever told you this? I mean, lets really think about this. How many time has someone said this to you after saying something nice? It has never happened with me. What is the process of getting a Thicker Skin? What do people really mean when they say this? Do they mean that you should let insults just roll off your back or you shouldn't feel insulted? Or in the work situation that you should not work your hardest at making sure you are impressing everyone most of the time. Is there really a point at making people upset? Does this mean that I will not be successful in my career because I try to make sure that my customers both globally and inter-department are happy?
When did we turn into a society if we are rude and mean to each other that just means the other person doesn't have Thick Skin. Or you are outspoken, thus it is ok to say whatever you want. Nope, sorry it isn't.
It is like telling everyone your opinion. I think I am finally learning that maybe it is just better to keep your thoughts to yourself. Because by sharing things with others that leaves you open to interpretation. Which everyone seems to feel like they have the right to say whatever they wish about you or what they perceive to be your reality. Most of the time it just leaves me wishing that I never brought it up to begin with. And then once again, I am back at not having Thick enough skin. Plus so much of this blog is my thoughts and feelings on subject matter because in reality we have so little chances to be heard. So where does that leave me? Well... I think I might switch blogs for a little while. Put this one on the back burner. With so much going on right now, I think that might be best. I am not willing to share things right now. And if I'm not willing to share maybe it is time for a break.
For heavens sake don't think that this has anything to do with my relationship with my husband. It doesn't. Infact, he wants me to keep at it. To keep writing, isn't he just the sweetest person on earth?Can you believe that hubster and I are coming up on our one year with wedded bliss???? I will say this. Best Year as of yet. and I can't wait to see what comes next. I hope everyone will enjoy the next blog and maybe I will see you all in the future when I am not feeling so exposed.
Hugs and love.
I don't normally comment on someone's personal blog but maybe some insight might be helpful for you. Maybe not but here it is. Aside from very personal details, you should be able to express your opinion whenever you want. All sorts of different people will interpret what you say differently. That is just the way our society works. As long as you don't purposely hurt someone (and I am sure you don't do this), you will be ok. You are not going to be able to please 100% of the people 100% of the time....life just doesn't work that way so I always say if I please 90% of people 90% of the time, I'll be fine. Don't let people intimidate you - you are way too smart and way too kind for that to happen....just my humble opinion ...... :)