Sunday, March 18, 2012

Last Night.

Well, yesterday was St. Patrick's Day...  And many of us in the United States believe that it is just a national holiday to get wasted, there is a whole history behind that day but I can understand why many people don't understand it because while I sat in church.  (it is a holy day.)  The priest didn't mention it at all but remember to ask that we follow the dictates of the church in it wisdom in protecting the family life.  *Sigh*... but that is not what I wanted to talk about... Because we all know how I feel on that.  Ok, One side note.  If you are against the right of choice for a women in abortions and you are against birth control.  What options do you leave women.  ok but really I'm done... 

So since it was St. Patrick's Day, we had some of our dearest friends come over.  And it is amazing how 8 very different people can get together and have a blast! (I had a blast... I hope they all did as well. )  I just had an amazing time... it was so much fun getting to talk to everyone.  Everyone is in such different spots in their lives but yet, we all have stuff to talk about.  I wish we could all get together more often but am completely grateful for when I do get to see them.  What a fun night.  Lots of great food and fun drinks.  What fun drinks you ask well, here you go!  Simply amazing.  My dear friend Lauren makes these drinks that frankly I go crazy over...  What's a girl not to love about them.  Ice Cream, Chocolate, and some alcohol..  yum yum!

Lauren's Yumtastic Green Grasshopper.
1 tub of Green Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.
1  bottle of Creme de Mint
1 bottle of Creme de Coco.

It is a really simple to make but frankly in my mind that just makes it that much better.  So she puts 4-5 scoops of Ice cream. 4 shots of cream de Mint and 2 of cream de coco.   This makes about 4 Servings for pure yummyness in a glass.  It is great way to have both dessert and a yummy drink at home.  Feel free to try them for yourself!  But please note... they are not low fat at all! :)


  1. No abortions, no birth control, the option you're left with is to leave the pants on until you're ready to accept children (just sayin, you asked)

    1. Ah Anonymous, you fill into the trap of assuming that everyone who is fighting for birthcontrol is doing it because they are just running around having sex everywhere. There are many women who use/need Birthcontrol for medical reasons. Also, what about the women who are married. Should we "leave the pants on until we are ready to accept children" What if we would like to be finacially sound together before having children. And please let not get into the "Natural Family Planning Method" that isn't a safe bet on not having children.

  2. Hi Everyone,

    I truly love getting comments on my blogs. Let's me know that there are people out there reading! (Yay!!!) However, if you are going to comment, please make some sort of name up. Doesn't have to be your real one. Otherwise moving forward I will assume that it is a troll and delete the comment.


  3. "yummtastic" lol oh goodness lol i'm so glad you love this drink so much! YAY! love you! <3
